For my Graduation Project I created a multi faceted project to showcase many of the skills I learned in college and their practical application in the interior design field. The overarching concept was to redesign my childhood home, both the interior and exterior, including landscaping. Some rooms remained untouched while others were repurposed or fully renovated. I began by taking measurements of the actual home and drawing up current floor plans in ¼” scale from scratch, since there are no floorplans to date. Using the floorplans I built a virtual 3D model of the home in SketchUp. Then on a translucent paper drew the renovated floor plan, this way the two floor plans can be overlayed so the alterations can be directly seen. Finally, I constructed a physical 3D structure of the two story, fully renovated, home. The structure is made up of three separate forms that can be stacked to see the house from the outside as well as separated to see details on the individual floors.